Hi 🙂
It’s been quite a peaceful, creative kind of day…I decided that I would get some basic “have-to-do” things out of the way and spend a bit of quiet time just creating, before the busy-ness of the afternoon set in…so I made some charm bracelets (which I have put in my Etsy shop), and planned some bits of the first project I am working on for the book that Linda and myself are planning…this has been the big theme of the week: we have decided to pool our creativity and friendship into a collaborative project: our KNITTING BOOK!! This is something completely new for us, we have no real experience in authoring a book, but we are so excited and determined to make it happen 🙂 The project I am busy designing is very bright, funky and I think will be a really fun “something” to make… I am especially pleased as I think I may have unvented something new, technique wise 😉 wooohoooo!
My darling daughter left me a little message on my beading workspace, before she went to bed…I was very touched to see it… it is indeed a precious thing to be loved…

On our second day in Zambia, we had booked a canoe trip down the Zambezi. When we woke up, it was pouring with rain, and the guides said it was too dangerous to go canoeing as visibility was poor…so we were quite ok to sit at the veranda and chat to each other, read and crochet (me)…
and just enjoy the lovely greenery and atmosphere. I have a rule that I never go anywhere without my camera (because you never know when the picture opportunity will present itself), but for some inconceivable reason, I had left my G10 in the hotel room…stupid! While we were having breakfast a herd of zebra calmly grazed on the lawns, completely peaceful, and I didn’t want to miss the pics, so I ran back to the room, got my camera and spent the next 10 minutes getting soaked, but also getting some lovely photos of these stripy little people…

One of the zebras had a foal, who was really very mischievious and kept harassing her, biting her tail, shoving and prancing about… I came within a few metres of them and they were alert and slightly nervous, but didn’t bolt…a special moment.

The Zambezi Sun is a beautiful hotel, and an enormous amount of attention has been paid to every corner of it…The whole style is a comfortable fusion between Moroccan and African, with rich tones and interesting accessories.

This striking painting hung in one of the lobbies…

Amazing, goodness-knows-what-ahedron wrought iron lights…

Garden refuge from the rain…

A wrought iron warthog family…forever vigilant…

More lovely lighting…

The marimba band played during the rain, a truly talented bunch of musicians…

I can’t get over these darn lights…I want to take them home….

A veranda…

An alcove in the wall, with a wonderful glass vessel…

I love the contrast of colours…

A ceiling with direction, just look at the detail…

These chairs were in the lobby, purely decorative and entirely made of beads…

My little one playing the xylophone, while we were waiting to go canoeing…(we eventually went down river in our little canoes…what an experience, will post soon!)
On another note: I have discovered the most AMAZING, one of a kind
crochet hooks, beautifully wrought by Katherine Kowalski. They took my breath away…you have got to check it out!
And a happy 11th birthday to dear little Erin, who lives across the road from me, and is one very special girl! Have a wonderful day 🙂
I wanted to say a thank you to everyone who takes the time to leave a comment and visit here…I don’t always manage to reply back, but please know that you are all appreciated!
Have a good evening folks,
Lots of Love,
Heidi 🙂