Very Beautiful Hello Kitty Baby Booties Pattern

Hello friends, in this article we have shared with you the construction of hello kitty booties pattern for babies. We have already shared a video that we have shared before, but for friends who can’t find it, we have also shared 3 videos from bottom to bottom you can start from the video you want.
Materials; rope of the desired color and thickness, crochet suitable for the rope, 2 buttons. ( the rope used in the video is two-fold
baby rope )
Description; If you use two layers of baby rope and the base chain starts with the same numbers, you will get a bootie measuring 6 months. If your rope is thinner or different, you can get booties suitable for the desired age by using our base size table.
Our pattern is not limited to dolls, if desired, you can also make a cute lady’s booties, starting with a large one. You can find the necessary narrative details for beginner friends in the video. Dear friends, We have made the Hello Kitty Booties Pattern in 3 parts so that a friend who wants to can start from the section he wants. Click on the Foot Measurement Chart (for Knitting Booties)
You can also explore the topic of Knitting the Hello Kitty Hat Pattern that we have already described.