Versatile Blogger Award

So today I opened my gmail and saw an email from Helen over at 26 minutes Past. She has awarded me a Versatile Blogger Award! Thank you Helen! Until now, I had never heard of this, being suspended in space between work and wanna-work stuff (I seriously need to get out more folks…), so it came as a happy surprise 🙂
There are rules to abide by when accepting a Versatile Blogger Award, and they are as follows:
1. Add the award to your blog
2. Thank the blogger who gave it to you.
3. Mention 7 random things about yourself.
4. List the rules.
5. Give the award to 15 bloggers.
6. Inform each of those 15 bloggers by leaving a comment on their blog .
Random thing No 1.
I LOVE almonds! Yes, l♥ve them…I will eat an almond every-time if given the choice between them and other nuts…
Random thing No 2.
Believe it or not …one of my middle names is St John!
Random thing No 3.
I once had a total stranger ask me if I would be willing to do a photo shoot, of JUST my hair (it was for hair products)…. (I said no…)
Random thing No 4.
I used to be quite involved with a form of hand to hand combat and self defence, called Kalah (loosely based on what the Israeli special forces use…). I don’t have the time for it nowadays…
Random thing No 5.
I have an incredibly strong sense of smell, and become quite overwhelmed if anywhere near smokers or in a place where there are potent smells…
Random thing No 6.
I am totally, utterly, irrevocably creeped out by Parktown Prawns… they are like the spawn of hell…it’s also almost impossible to kill the gross things! They jump at you and poop a black pooey substance…
Random thing No 7.
I am the very definition of easily bored…I have to do ten things at once (mind you…enjoyable things, like knitting, crochet, painting etc, not the daily grind stuff…)
Righteeeoooo! Time to nominate the 15 Versatile Bloggers!
The Adventure Blog
A Sonoma Garden
Natural Suburbia
Do you mind if I knit?
AC Engineered Knits
Little Cotton Rabbits
Haken en Meer
Vignette Design
The Inspired Room
Untangling Knots
Le Monde De Sucrette
Adventure Journal
The Cottage Home
All of these blogs are an inspiration! Go and check them out 🙂
On another note: the last few weeks have been bad for blogging…I just have too many distractions and happenings at the moment. I hope to have a surprise release for Valentine’s Day…see you all soooooonnnnnn……….
Have a great evening folks!