Two Skewers Cardigan, Vest, Sweater Pattern

Two Skewers Cardigan, Vest, Sweater Pattern

Two skewer models can be a bit confusing if we are new to knitting. Both models are a little more complicated than crochet models, and we can have difficulty mastering two skewers at once. Although it is laborious, the beauty of two skewer models is of course indisputable.

With the narration of Tek Patik Baby Knitting Youtube Channel, we present a very stylish model to your liking today. You can evaluate this knitting model as a vest or cardigan. We think it is a model that will show itself very beautifully with threads of different colors and textures.

When making our Two Skewers knitting model, you can use medium-thick ropes in the texture you want. You need to pay attention to choose your skewer number according to the thickness of the rope you use and your hand setting.

For every detail you have in mind, you can watch the narration video and send your questions in the comments section. We send our thanks to Tek Patik Baby Knitting Youtube Channel for this beautiful model and description.

Don’t forget to like the video and subscribe to the channel for more content like this. Good luck to everyone who will do it in advance.

Two Skewers Cardigan, Vest, Sweater Pattern Explanation Video ;


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