Table Design

Table Design

One thing you will not get into the name give to sustain our life is to eat the food. Eating at how ordinary it may seem in fact requires great efforts. Guests not only heavy, eat with our families, we need to pay attention to eating at the table setting. Eating at everyone deserves an elegant desk.


Carefully prepared meals eaten at the table and chat as he is not tired of the taste of the table. The layout of the table where we eat, eating, of course, is very important. Especially when it is important to pay attention to the dinner, breakfast and many other things.


Table layout how? Table fork, spoon on how? Tableware spoon, plate, knife on How? How to get the layout of the dining table? The taste of food is as important as all know the answers to these questions.


Tableware layout meant the opportunity to serve you in many ways, though mainly used forks, knives and spoons are the order of the same. Spoon should be placed in the first row right from the start. Knife on the right side of the plate, right from the start in the second row, left fork is the subject of the head to the left side of the plate.


The fork and knife to be used for fish; right from the start the third place knife, fork is placed in the left second row from the start. If those used for main course; knife on the right side of the right side of the plate, the fork is placed to the left side to right side of the plate again.


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