Share your Project

Share your Project
Kaffe’s Brilliance

Happy Friday everyone! It has been a really busy week and I have just not had the time to blog…. 🙁

Adorable Hippo Ballerina Pincushion

However, I have been working on a secret project which will be out next week! It has been a challenge getting it just right, but I am mighty pleased with the progress so far. I think you will all love this little item 🙂

Gorgeous Sewing Projects for kids

Miss Ellie Pincushion

I went to Hobby-Ex yesterday with my friend Dana. Hobby-Ex is an huge Expo, with all kinds of things related to hobbies on display. You will find everything from woodworking equipment to yarn. I managed to buy some gorgeous books at next to nothing prices, and also bought some cute pincushion kits. When I will have the time to actually make them , is another thing, but they were so adorable, I couldn’t resist…

Kaffe again

Debbie Bliss bliss…

So all in all a good week… 🙂 It’s also Friday, so that means it is Project Share Day! Please upload your WIP/FOs for everyone to see… Thank you to all who have submitted projects in the last couple of weeks… 🙂

Have a great weekend!


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