Recommendations for Kitchen Burns

This information is extremely common in the form of ice should be immediately put into the burning area is very wrong, you will be surprised to learn that promote tissue damage. Burn the tomato paste, toothpaste, yogurt or olive oil is applied information is wrong. Draws water from the burn area is hurting. Information about the need to revise obviously burns.
Even slight burns very serious matter, though. You need to be conscious. Reduction of pain in minor burns and should be done to heal without scarring can be summarized as follows.
It is especially important intervention was first built in burns, determines the healing process of the skin. The wound to reduce the tissue damage when the burn occurred just need to be cooled by flowing water. Burned area under running water for 10-15 minutes, keeping the water flowing pain must be cooled to last. However, this process is effective if done within the first 30 minutes, then it is made cold application only relieve the pain.
If you get home from the pharmacy, or you can have a variety of ointments and creams are effective on burns, burns can use driving the cooled region.
Aloe vera plant is effective in the treatment of burns. The aloe vera is great for a fresh and washed thoroughly crushed leaves. The cleaned sheet is cut transversely through the gel like liquid is applied to the burn area. Plants can also use instead of cream or aloe vera gel. Sunburn can also be treated in the same way with aloe vera.