Penguin From A Bottle

Penguins are very cute animals. More specifically, well… birds actually. Although they can’t fly they are kind of a bird that you want to hug. You can have one in your room. Don’t be surprised. Because I don’t mean an actual one but a dummy penguin. And the materials you need are a bit surprising. Just plastic bottles and dyes. Yes you can craft a penguin from plastic bottles.

Do not worry because it will be an easy procedure. Probably you will finih your own penguin in 10 minutes. This is how to craft a penguin from plastic bottles.
Finding Right Bottles
Do not pick water bottles because they have a flat bottom. Try to find bottles like cold drink bottoms. Bot of course you can get creative and find your own style. The size depends on you. If you want a big and fat one choose 2.5 liter bottles, if you want smaller ones pick 1 liter bottles.
You need two bottles. Cut each of them from a bit lower than the mid line. By the way you should have 2 bottles with same size.
Attach thes to pieces from the cut. Bottoms of the bottles represents the head and the legs of the penguin.

You need black and white dyes. Use black on eveywhere accept the ventral side of the penguin.
You need carton to make eyes and mouth. Cut hem in such a pieces. Than attach tem to the face.
Here it is. Your dummy penguin. It is easy to craft a penguin from plastic bottles.