How to Pass Foot Odor?

Air space to be in the style of the shoe, especially on this issue is very important. The feet in the air getting shoes is a very important problem. Someone who had no foot odor when wearing shoes that are not even on their feet for hours on the air of odors will be normal. Therefore, when different types of skin or taken to be questioned as a shoe airtight spend. Today, a major nuisance that causes foot odor and shoes manufacturers also produce special shoes for air flow. In addition, regular ventilation of the shoe is also very important. Not in an enclosed space will be placed in the open air is removed will prevent issues. It must be the kind that will keep sweat socks next to shoes. nylon stocking rate has more on this issue will do more to sweat.
Carbonate products from very good to foot odor, lavender oil, tea and vinegar. It managed to get to the exit of foot odor is possible to be implemented in different ways.
Applying for foot odor of lavender oil is to be dropped into the warm water. Feet should be suspended until this water for 20 minutes. In this manner the dead bacteria can be provided.
In a pot of tea for application mix with water in the basin by half by placing feet it can be kept in the basin for about 20 minutes. In this way, cleaning and open pores can be provided.
A warm water implementation carbonate is by placing one or two tablespoons carbonate. Feet are kept in the water for half an hour. This case can provide a significant benefit to smell.
A cup of vinegar in warm water until the implementation of the vinegar is to be placed. Foot of the application will be made up to 20 minutes of soaking. In this way it is possible to prevent the foot odor.