ladies and gentlemen knitted booties

Today, Mr. and Mrs. knit boots are at your disposal. You can make it in one color and adapt it to the bay model.
Mr. and Mrs. women’s knitted boots booties are made in two colors. You guys can do it in one color. Or you can achieve harmony by choosing rope colors that are compatible with your clothes.
Our model is made in haraşo. Anyone who wants our model, which is quite easy to make, can do it. It will be a great booties model for everyday wear for our daughters’ dowry.
The most beautiful thing about the winter season is the crafts and braids that are made for our ladies who love to knit our knitting models there are quite a lot of them on our page. I recommend that you look at the new knitting patterns we have published. We have many models from crochet to skewers. Or you can reach us by clicking on the links in our article.
I am already sending my wishes that it will be easy for our friends who will do it with the wish of being together again in new and different knitting patterns. goodbye.
Mr. and Mrs. knitted boots booties
Details and construction of Mr. and Mrs. knit boot booties model
2 Color bootie rope
No. 3 fishing line or regular 5 skewers
It doesn’t matter which number
The boot booties model number 37-38 is suitable for feet, you can add and subtract 4 loops for each foot number, according to it, you can make 2-4 extra rows in different places.
Our booties model starts by throwing 45 loops from the base We knit 5 threads of harasho and make holes to attach the chains until all the loops are finished, the row is completed in the form of one cut and one increase, an equal number of holes after harasho are repeated.