Mistakes about Children Education

Today’s subject is totally about children education and mistakes about children education by parents and other adults. The reason that I express you these information is to educate our children with better ways and in order to avoid these mistakes when we have children.
When you promise for something, please realize it. Otherwise, they will think that you are cheating them and it breaks their trust on you. That’s why; please do not promise them for the things that you cannot realize. When you cannot keep your word, please explain it with the truths and reasons to your children. Please, never tell lie to your children. Your children deserve to know reality.
Therefore, you should find a way that they can understand what the truth is. So, no need to tell lies. When your children have very aggressive behaviors, please no violence. You find the right way to explain not to have furious. Please do not make your children addicted to the technology. You can adjust the limits for activities with the technological devices. Please give your ear to your children and their requests from you. Caring them and their wishes helps you more to understand them.
Please do not realize what your children want from you. Because, this will make them greedy and ungrateful in future. Show and teach them how to use the time beneficial and economical. This can help them to do useful things and to be punctual in future. Prepare your rules and apply them all without excuses! Discipline is very important thing in families. Therefore, your children are obligated to obey your rules. Of course for a kid your rules should be flexible in children things like playing outside and etc. But there should be strict rules as well.
Please do not addict your children to yourselves. If you prepare their school bag, if you wear them, it is really big problem. You can teach them how to do, but you should leave it them. Thus, they will learn to do themselves. Please show your love to your children. Because it is the key of everything in this life. Therefore, if you show them their love, they will be good boys and beautiful girls in future.
If you avoid not doing above issues, you should be sure about your children’s future. Hope they will be good persons!