Making a shelf out of popsicle sticks

Everyday is a new opportunity to find some interesting decoration ideas for your home. Besides these ideas are very useful for your daily life.Today’s funny idea is about how to make a shelf out of popsicle sticks.
For building your new shelf you will need glue, popsicle sticks, a pattern and a brush. Start with sticking your popsicle sticks on your template for building the shape for an hexagone. Add more sticks and adhere them as long as you reach the depth you wish to have for your shelf. Wait until the glue is dry.
Paint your hexagone shelf in any color you wish.You can also add a picture hanger if you wish.Search the right place for your new hexagone shelf.
Puting couple of hexagone shelves together is another idea. This is another design, which will look very nice on your walls. Your shelf can be used for decorative purposes or for keeping your stuff. A new shelf made out of popsicle sticks can make a good gift for your loved ones.
Designing different shapes out of popsicle sticks is possible,too. You can build a heart shaped shelf for your child or for your girl friend . A heart shaped shelf can make a good gift for valentine’s day,mother’s day. Think of another shapes you would like to build and improve yourself . maybe you can design a bunny shaped shelf for your little child. To make her keep her babies inside it.