A pattern of three shrink booties

We present you a wonderful crochet booties pattern that you can make as a gift to our dear followers.
Booties patterns are made quite a lot for our girls’ patterns. There are many patterns and techniques. We have many stylish booties patterns on our page, including five skewers, two skewers, Tunisian work. You can reach the booties pattern you want by visiting our page.
If crochet booties are your preference, you can apply three shrink booties patterns. We think that there is a beautiful booties pattern to evaluate your remaining strands. The color preferences are up to your liking. Goodbye to the wish to be together again in new booties patterns.
Making a pattern of three shrink booties
Crochet booties pattern
suitable for foot numbers 38-39.
Construction of the starting 6 chain 1. Now there are 13 2-li handrails 2. It’s time to double down on all of them and get 26 2 li handrails 3. Next is 1 pair of 1 single bat 39 grain 2 li handrail 4. Next is 1 pair 2 single 52 grain 2 li handrail 5. Next, let’s reach 52 handrails without an increase.
Let’s make 3 handrails of different colors with three shrinkage patterns. 2 Jump from the bottom and 3. we sink to the ground and make 3 handrails of 2 li at the same point. Next, we make 3 handrails at different points to the place where we sank 3 times and pull them out at once, between the 2 chains, the same process is repeated 5 times. Dec pattern is repeated. We connect the side construction with a cream rope and make 1 row of handrail 2. The row will be 13 rows in total, leaving 10 for the front part of the handrail and going back and forth over the remaining 42 loops.