The pattern of booties with a crocheted heart

How to make a booties pattern with a crochet heart Our heart detailed crochet booties sample is waiting for the appreciation of our dear followers.
For those who are looking for a patterned booties pattern, the heart theme is a great booties pattern that you can make in different colors. Booties patterns are among the most commonly made crafts for decoupage patterns.
There will be a different pattern in the fields ordering booties. You can find the most beautiful booties patterns on our page. Do not forget to visit our page. Or it will be enough to click on the link inside our article.
It is quite easy to make booties with crocheted hearts among our friends who want to learn new ones. A detailed video description will help you a lot. You can make our booties pattern for yourself and your loved ones. Goodbye with the wish to be together again in the new video narrations..
Making a booties pattern with a crocheted heart
The number 37/ 38 is suitable for feet.
You can use any brand of bootie rope.
The number 2 crochet is preferred. You can choose the crochet that suits your hand.
First, let’s make a ring of 6 chains. Let’s make 13 double handrails inside our ring.
let’s reach the 26th floor in the second row and make our handrails by double sinking. We are continuing the auction process, let’s reach a total of 39 trabzans. Let’s make a double comb as a single and double. 52 handrails will be enough for the nose part.
Let’s make a handrail without increasing 2 rows, reach 6 rows and apply the heart pattern. For a detailed description, you can apply it by watching our video.