Make your own apple vinegar

Vinegar is very good for our health. Vinegar cleans up our system besides it is a very healthy method to use vinegar for losing weight. You can add vinegar to your water and drink it in the morning just before you eat anything at all. Vinegar burns fat. If it is hard for you to drink vinegar directly you can add some honey.
What you need for making vinegar at home is 3 apples, a big jar at least for 2 lt, a half full tea glass of sugar, a half full tea glass of cracked wheat, a half full tea glass of chickpeas and 1 lt water.
This is about how to make vinegar at home. Boil the water and let it cool down. Fill the jar half way down with water. Add sugar,chickpeas and cracked wheat to your water. Peel off your apples. Put the apples and their shells into your water. Do not close the lid. Close your jar with a linen cloth and put your jar into a dark room. Your vinager will be ready in circa 40 days. Strain your vinegar. Throw away the apples. Put your vinegar back into the jar and add two tea spoons of honey.
Making your own vinegar is very healthy for everyone. Vinegar is a natural medicine for fat burning and disinfecting anything. Vinegar makes your carpets shine and is very good for damaged hair. Rinse your hair with vinegar you’ll notice the difference .