Knitting Tea Pot Covers

Knitting is a very popular and relaxing hobby for everyone from every age. You can knit in your spare time or you can knit to earn money and be a help for your family budget.
Knitting tea pot covers which are also called tea pot cosies is a british habit,because tea is very popular in britain. But nowadays this habit started to change and tea is starting to be popular around tea world especially for it’s benefits. Tea is good for your digestion,make you recover by ilnesses like flu and is relaxing and motivating by stress and sleeping disorders.
Now we will talk about the subject how to knit tea pot covers First you have to check the size of your tea pot and this will determine the size of your tea pot cover. Take two 5 mm knitting needles.Make a loop on your left hand needle pass your needle on your right hand through the loop.
Repeat the same again and now you have two stitches on your left knitting needle.For your next stitch you have to pass your needle on your right hand behindthe loop and twist the yarn behind needle and take the third loop to the kneedle on your left hand and and continue to do so until you have 60 stitches, if you wish to knit a medium cosy.
If you will knit a larger tea cosy you will need 72 stitches. Now you can enjoy your tea cosies on your tea time.