Knitting and Crochet Blog Week Day 3! 2KCBWDAY3

Day Three: 30th March. Tidy mind, tidy stitches.
Ok, so today’s post is really late and the photos taken at night in a hurry, so not my finest work 🙁
However, I was determined to blog and keep up to date with blog week, so here it is…
Really, the photos are an exercise in how to make things look neater and tidier than they actually are…and also for the very first time, Ladies and Gentlemen…the reveal of the shamefully huge stash that I have amassed…yes, believe it or not, I have never posted/taken photos of this hoard before (partly out of shame, and partly out of a sense of fear that I will have to organise it…).
I have a very small guest bedroom that I have annexed as my stash room and have several wall units for books etc…and of course part of the yarn stash. It’s all very cluttered, but in truth I actually like to be surrounded by clutter (clean clutter kind you…). No, I am certainly not minimalist in any sense of the word…
Above is the left hand side of the pure cottons, and on the right hand side the rest of the cotton, the mohair, cashmere, and of course my beloved sock yarn.
Above is the undyed yarn that still has to be packed into ziplock bags (with a bit of soap), so that the dreaded M***s cannot get to them…
Undyed yarn and some divine cotton above, nearly ready for packing away…
More yarn (the pinks on the right I dyed up last night…cashmere, silk, alpaca sock yarn…divine!), needing to be tucked safely into zippies….
On the other side of my hoarders cave, is a wall cupboard, again filled with yarn. Here I keep the pure merino, handspun merino, silks, more cashmere, angora, and my superwash DK merino. Also there are some odds and ends…
The plastic suitcases towards the lower shelves have an alpaca blend…the suitcases are great for storing…
Some of my needles and interchangeables I keep in a handy cutlery tray… as well as some other tools…
Knitting needles and crochet hooks are also stored in pretty tins and more cutlery holders…
There is still quite a bit of yarn all over the house, and here I have a small rack in the kitchen next to my seat at our kitchen table…I mostly sit here and knit and crochet…
Well, a whirlwind tour…it’s really late here in SA, so I’ll say goodnight …