Knitted Bikini Patterns

Knitting bikini model consists of different designs are different from each other. With colors that certainly has managed to attract attention and remains modern. details, which today continues to maintain the old fashion. In different models and types from each other but also with attention to every designer bikini samples with different drawings are drawn. Bikinis are not intended to sunbathe more preferred in the warmer months of last year. This being the way it is being managed is certainly interesting.
From black bikini design it is among the most preferred models. beautiful posture of the side that suits you is very valuable female models. straptez the new season white bikini models in bikinis design also may be an option for you dear lady. You also illuminated with white side is also completely open strapless will help keep track of time. White color is a color that expresses simplicity. Striped patterns are very popular in the 2017 season. Dark blue and white stripes and the coupling details from the neck opening and maintain the gene was designed with the side and the bottom side of the lace detail consists of a knitting bikini model were followed also in the form of round holes on the choice of combinations.
The purple color is orange bikini model which straptez and two rope detail in front detail. This is a knitting bikini model in the window details on the sides. The choice of colors in bronze skin emerges with a bikini model who will win the admiration of women who will stand very stylish. A bikini is very effective design. Were followed in the choice of combinations is the opening edges and details the neck tie.