How to swaddle the baby?

Swaddle is a wrap for your baby to keep him/her warm and safe.
Swaddling your baby can make your baby feel safe and secure ,because he/she stayed in your womb for a long time.
Here are the important keypoints for swaddling your baby
Put the blanket into the form of an diamond . Fold the top corner first. afterwards place your baby so that his/her head touches the folded end. Fold the left end over your baby’s left arm,chest and push the edge under his/her back afterwards. Fold the right end over your baby’s right arm,chest and push the edge under his/her back.
Take the bottom of the blanket,twist the bottom and fold it.
The most important question is : Is it right to swaddle the baby? There are different opinions about it. But make sure, that you know the do’s and dont’s for swaddling the baby. If you swaddle your baby don’t swaddle him/her too tight otherwise the baby is likely to become problems with his/her hips,because of his/her tightly pushed legs. Make sure that it isn’t too hot for your baby. Heat makes your baby uncomfortable too.
Some babies like to move their arms freely make sure which position is right for your baby. Allow him/her to move his/her hands. Swaddling your baby during nap time is more advisable. You should follow your baby’s moves.If he/she starts to tumble around stop swaddling him/her. Swaddle your baby just until he/she is two months old.