How to store breastmilk?

Storing breast milk is an essential subject for every mother you can store breast milk under different conditions. You can store it at room temperature(about max 25 deg.) for six hours.If you wish to store breast milk in the fridge you have 4 or 5 days, but you have to keep it away from meat and uncooked foods. You can store it up to six months in the freezer. Storing your breastmilk in a cool box with ice packsis possible but only for 24 hours.
The way you keep your breast milk should depend on your needs of using your breast milk. It is better to keep your milk in the refrigrator if the duration is not to long. Keeping your milk in the freezer kills the useful contents fighting against diseases.
Here are the steps for preparing your milk for storage.First of all wash your hands ,use a clean breast pump for your milk. Pour your milk into plastic or sterile bottles. Glass bottles can be dangerous,because they break easily. Do not forget to label your milk,so that you know you will not keep your milk more than 5 days.
Here are some breastmilk storage tips. If you freeze your milk in plastic bag leave a gap because milk will expand while freezing. Prefer plastic bottles instead of plastic bags are easy to tear off. You can also freeze your milk in the ice tray. This is an useful method to start with solid food for your baby. You can add breast milk to solid food.