How to prepare home made lemonade?

Home made lemonade is a very healthy drink for y.llllklklally in the hot summer days.It includes vitamine C,which protects you and your children against diseases like flu.You should prefer home made lemonade for your children instead of the drink which include gas and other chemical ingridients. Today research have shown that most of the drinks on the market contain both chemical and artifical stuff which damage your health and your children’s health.
Preparing lemonade is very easy.You only need lemons ,water and popular drinks.for adults and.children.Nowadays it is very common that cafes also serve home made lemonade. But you mjst always be careful because not every lemonade is homemade lemonade. Home made lemonade at a cafe can contain lemon juice instead of lemons ,which is very unhealthy for us. And lemon juice outside is nott always fresh lemon juice as we are used have it at home. The lemon cafe or bars may contain many artifical ingriedients.
And now if we came back to the subject how to preapare lemonade.Squeeze four five lemons and take the lemon juice.Add the lemon juice to 1 lt water.Add 3-4spoons of sugar. Stir your lemonade.Let your lemonade cool down in the refrigrator. You can also use sweetener instead of sugar if you wish. Sweetener will be a good idea for people with diabetes or overweight people. But keep in mind that sweetener is not suitable for the children. You must use sugar wwhen you prepare lemonade for your child.