How to Make Homemade Baby Candy

Dear followers, today I would like to show and explain you how to make homemade baby candy which is very popular and can be called a famous trend nowadays in all over the world!
First of all, let me mention why the people would like to prepare these candies at home. Because, when they have baby or on their birthdays, they would like to prepare something which will be kept and remembered for long years. Therefore this is really an easy do it yourself project for your babies which is operated with small money depending on your choice.
In the world and internet, when you search you can see lots of sorts of homemade baby candies. The model and colors are totally up to you. In the pictures that I attached on this article will be very famous samples for you before you design.
Let me tell you some famous models below:
– Wind rose model: You can do it with colorful papers and with needles and attach your candy inside it.
– Made of wooden models: You can give a shape as you liked and attach your candy in the basket.
– Made of felt or cotton models: If you have more felts or cotton pieces at home, you can use them to create your own designed homemade baby candy.
– Colorful pink or blue models: Depending on your babies’ genders, you can choose one of these models.
Attaching the name card in a basket you can end your project. Good Luck!