Easy solutions for black heads
Black heads consist of hair follicles filled with keratin and sebum .They are kind of skin debris.The first step of getting rid of your black heads is having your skin cleaned. The best method to do that is using a damp maschine. First your pores are opened with the help of damp. Afterwards a proffessional should clean your pores and remove the black heads. And apply a suitable mask to your skin . There are also easy solutions for black heads. You can always use nose bands or skin bands. These bands remove your black heads in 5 minutes . First wet your nose then stick the band on your nose and you have no more black heads after removing it.
You can also apply different masks to your skin in order to remove your black heads.
Here is a list of what to do on the subject how to get rid of blackheads. Try to use egg white.Put it 3-4 times on your skin and then wipe off. And wash your face.You can also try a honey mask. Warm up a little honey in the pan.Put it onto your skin with blackheads.Wipe off with a damp cloth and wash off. You can leave on the honey mask at night. But be careful that you don’t stick on your pillow.
You can also visit a doctor for healing black heads and get prescribed medicine for your blackbeads if you can not solve your problem by home made treatments.