How to crochet Granny Square Lace Top Free pattern Tutorial

How to crochet Granny Square Lace Top Free pattern Tutorial
1R-8CH, SL ST in 1st st.
2R-16SC, SL ST in 1st st.
*DC, CH in next st*
repeat 15 times, SL ST in 3rd ch.
4R-*2SC in arc, skip st*, repeat 16,
SL ST in 1st st.
5R-*SC, 5CH, sk st*, repeat 15,
SC, 2CH, DC.
6R-4CH, 4 TR in arc, 3CH, SC in arc, 3CH,
*5 TR in arc, 3CH, SC in arc, 3CH* repeat 7,
SL ST in the 4th st.
7R-4CH, 2TR in the same st, 3TR, 3TR in the same st, 3CH,
*3TR in the same st, 3TR, 3TR in the same st, 3CH* repeat 7,
SL ST in the 4th st.
8R-4CH, 6TR, 2TR together,7CH, SC in arc, 7CH,
*2TR together, 5TR, 2TR together,7CH, SC in arc, 7CH*,
repeat 7, SL ST in the 4th st.
9R-4CH, 6TR together, 7CH, SC in arc, 7CH,SC in arc, 7CH,
*7TR together, 7CH, SC in arc, 7CH,SC in arc, 7CH* repeat 6,
7TR together, 7CH, SC in arc, 7CH,SC in arc, 3CH, TR in the
4th st.
10R-*SC in arc, 7CH,SC in arc, 2CH, 7DC in arc, 2CH, SC in arc,
7CH, SC in arc, 7CH,(4TR, 7CH, 4 TR) in arc, 7CH*
repeat 8
11R-SC, 7CH, SC in arc, 7CH, 4 DC together, 5CH,
4 DC together, 7CH, SC in arc, 7CH, SC in arc, 7CH,
4 TR together, 7CH, (4 TR together, 7CH,4 TR together, 7CH)
in arc, 4 TR together,
7CH, SC in arc, 7CH, SC in arc, 7CH,
repeat around.
12R-SC, 7CH, SC in arc, 7CH, SC in arc, 3CH, 7DC in arc, 3CH,
*SC in arc, 7CH* rep 4, (4TR, 7CH, 4 TR) in arc,
*SC in arc, 7CH* rep 4,
repeat around.
13 R-*SC in arc, 7CH* rep 2, SC in arc,7CH, SC in 4th DC, 7CH
*SC in arc, 7CH* rep 5,
repeat around.
14R-4CH, TR in arc, 3CH,
*3TR in arc, 3CH* repeat around.
Gostaria muito de aprender o star square, mas não tenho um gráfico ou receita. Obrigada