How to Clean Porcelains?

Mix in a bit of hydrogen peroxide with a dishwasher cleaner to clean the boots of the kind of dark stains on your porcelain. Then into this mixture add 1 teaspoon cream of tartar and mix until very well. Then cover completely over the dark stains on porcelain with the mixture.
In this way, porcelain waited at least half an hour. Half an hour later the porcelain rub thoroughly with a clean sponge and rinse with plenty of water afterwards.
Stir to clean green stains on porcelain again to create scratches detergent and add cream of tartar and hydrogen peroxide thoroughly after this one in the mix. Apply this paste stains where it again and let stand at least one hour in this way. Rinse exerting only an hour after scrubbing porcelain pressurized with water.
If you want to remove heavy stains on porcelain without using chemicals, then a little water, natural soap, obtain the same amount of baking soda with 1 tablespoon of borax. Grate the soap into a teflon pan after pan and allow the stove to put the gel melts to become soap. Add the borax and stir constantly with carbonate at this time after becoming a soap gel.
Then this mixture received after this cleaning supplies become full of a gel with a clean glass jar. If he starts to harden the gel in the bowl into the jar, you can add a small amount of water. After the required amount of gel taken from the jar and rub the gel with heavy stains on porcelain in a very good way. Do rinse with hot water and pressurized process.