How to clean make up?

Make up is a very interesting subject to discuss for many women. There are many women ,which can not live without make up. While there are others, which think that make up is an obligation. Especially for working women make up is a must.
Here are some keypoints for make up. Make up sets are life savers. First prepare your face for make up,use a cleansing tonique. Use the right foundation depending upon your skin. Your eye make up is very important. Use consealer before your eye make up. You can make you little eyes look bigger with make up. If you experience problems using eyeliners ,use soft eye pencils instead of them. Use white eye pencil inside your eye lids, than use a ack or grey eye pencil under your eyes. Look downwards,while you are using eyelash. Do not forget to use blusher for shiny cheeks and the right smile.
You can eye make up cleansing toniques or creams for wiping off your make up.There are also make up cleansing wipes available on the market. These are the easy ways for cleansing make up. But if you wish to use homemade recepies they are also available. You can use vaseline for cleansing your make up.
Natural olive oil or baby oil are other suggestions. Use aloe vera or coconut oil for cleansing your make up. You can use yoghurt but be careful avoid too much yoghurt on your eye area. Using honey is another option.