Gelatinous Skin Masks

The content of lead in the mines provide elasticity to the skin is collagen material called gelatin. It will eliminate the signs of aging gives elasticity to the skin masks will allow your skin fresh and bright appearance by treating wrinkles. Which gelatine contained less fat, is rich in protein. Therefore the list is one of the preferred food diet. But many benefits to the skin known as gelatin.
Gelatine is a valuable substance. Collagen substance found in the human body because it can produce up to 25 years. One of the major proteins in the body of this age should be taken from the outside of the collagen. Collagen, the nail is important in skin and hair are essential for bone health.
Age increases, the amount of collagen decreases due to the changes occurring in the body. Stress, alcohol and tobacco use, the amount of collagen in the body by factors such as malnutrition is down to a minimum. To turn to a healthy diet and consume foods containing this lack of collagen helps to attract to normal levels.
Gelatin is one of these nutrients. Gelatin in your daily diet by including healthy skin, the hair, nails and bones you may have.
Gelatin and Milk Mask
With this mask for your skin to keep in balance the pH level of the skin retains its flexibility. It is also nutritious.
First, we are warming milk. We thoroughly melt the gelatin in a separate bowl mix 2-3 tablespoons of cold milk. Then we mixed up with all the milk. We are focusing our faces about half an hour driving by holding a brush.