Free Knitting Pattern: Tweedy Eyelet Scarf

Free Knitting Pattern: Tweedy Eyelet Scarf

Free Knitting Pattern: Tweedy Eyelet Scarf

Tweedy Eyelet Scarf
By Jennifer Dickerson

This is a great beginner project to learn simple knitting techniques like YO increases and K2tog decreases. The result is a quickly knit and simple eyelet scarf. The variegated yarn adds interest and makes for an easy yet engaging project.


  • 1-2 skeins Lion Brand Tweed Stripes (one skein for a shorter scarf, two for a longer scarf)
  • US 11 Straight Needles
  • Tapestry Needle


  • CO: Cast on
  • BO: Bind Off
  • YO: Yarn Over
  • K2tog: Knit two stitches together


CO 20 sts
Row 1: Knit
Row 2: Knit
Row 3: Knit
Row 4: Knit
Row 5: K2, *yo, K2tog; rpt from * to last 2 sts; K2
Rpt rows 1-5 until desired length, ending on row 4.
Break yarn, weave in ends and block as desired.

Click below to watch a video on how to knit the Tweedy Eyelet Scarf stitch by stitch:
© Jennifer Dickerson 2013
Please note: If you enjoy the pattern, please link to it, but do not copy the pattern to your own website or blog (including other languages). Thank you


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