Flowery women’s booties pattern free easy

Flowery women’s booties pattern free easy

We offer a great model of footpath, which is quite easy to make for those who love crocheted footpath with a square piece, as well as a stylish visual style, to the delight of our esteemed followers.

We think it will be quite a different model for our friends who are looking for a model of dowry booties. You can choose the color and ornamentation preference you want for the model. You can choose the different crochet details of the button and puff flower in your hand.

You can find different booties on our page. Tunisian work, skewered knitting booties making, felt-based booties making do not forget to click on the link for more.

Our video narratives will be very useful in our new ladies who will learn. Hope to be together again in the examples of new booties goodbye..

Making booties with Square parts
2 color booties are selected. You can choose any brand of rope.

You can choose the crochet that is prone to your hand.

Needle to sew



Flowery women’s booties pattern free easy

First, we pull chains. The length of the chain is important. The 22-inch chain was used in the model expression. We are making double Banister into each chain until the end of the line apply. We pull three chains and make the banister again, but we pass it through the waist of the banister and apply the model of the tire technique croğımızı. That’s how we get Square parts. Then we do the planting process and decorate. You can apply it by watching our video for a detailed description of the booties model. We wish the friends who will make it easy in advance.

Don’t forget to click on our link for booties making, knitting booties models all and more. We would be very happy if you support us with likes and shares in your social accounts. Your sharing is very important for the continuity of Video narratives.

You can apply it by watching the bootie-made video narratively with the square piece here.


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