Fabric and Crochet Heart Tutorial: Part 3

For once I will be able to post a little earlier 🙂 It seems to me on some days, that time has been compressed (it’s either an Einstein thing or my middle aged brain needs a service!), because as organised as I am (or at least, try to be!), I find I am always behind on something….
However, today I sorted out quite a lot, including the organising of my daughter’s 13th birthday party for this weekend, face-lifted my Etsy shop, joined Twitter, and caught up all my outstanding messages and emails… what can I say, today The Force was with me 😉
Speaking of the force… I watched one of the Star Wars movies last night, while trying to keep my knee rested (another saga for another time!), and an amazing quote struck me… Yoda tells Anakin Skywalker that he senses a lot a fear in him, which Anakin downplays and asks, why it would matter. Master Yoda (man… I seriously dig this dude!..) says that it matter all too much:
“Fear leads to anger, anger to hatred, and hatred leads to the dark side and suffering…” Well folks, I just LOVE this…it’s true !!!! I guess if we can control the fears that fill every day, maybe the cycle breaks…
I have been thinking about all the creative stuff I love doing, and after much back and forthing (?word), decided that I needed to amalgamate all the bits into one Etsy shop. Each Etsy shop has a different email address linked to it, which quite frankly will kill me…. so I intend to start selling all kinds of stuff as I manage to make it…crochet, knitting, tutorials, woodwork items, jewellry, sewing, embroidery, patchwork, photography etc, etc….anything that strikes my fancy really, on ONE shop 🙂 I would really appreciate some feedback on this idea… 🙂
Step 1. Ok, I have subsequently changed my mind and decided to use a size 3.5mm crochet hook, instead of 3.75mm. Just looks a bit neater all round…
Step 2. Start with a slip knot. If you are not sure how to do this, you can look back at the crochet tutorials.
Step 3. At the point of the heart, insert your hook into the first backstitch you made in the last post. You are going to work into these backstitches as if they are loops on a previous row of crochet.
You will follow this pattern: Each backstitch : sc, 3dc, sc
Again, the tutorials for sc and dc stitch creation are listed on the side of my blog as stand alone pages…looky see !
Step 4. SC as follows: insert hook, yarn around hook, pull through, yarn around hook, pull through both loops on hook…voila, one sc completed! See the next few pics as illustration.

Continue working all around the heart, into each backstitch loop, until you get back to the point of the heart.