Easter Tree…the beginning… a Tutorial that grows and grows…

Easter Tree Tutorial
Hi, everyone!
I have been so excited about the series of posts that are coming, I have been in a hyperactive state for days! In a middle aged person this could be interpreted in a variety of ways…not necessarily all good 😉 , so I guess I did get some strange looks at the knitting group yesterday!
Added to this, we have opened the doors for The Swap!! We are calling it “Share the Love Swap”
because everyone needs a small token of appreciation and aknowledgement now and then…
We have opened a Flickr Group, called “Share the Love Swap”, so everyone that participates can upload their creations and the gift they receive. Let’s share folks!!!!
If you would like to be a part of the Swap, please email me at heidibearscreativeblog@gmail.com, or Linda at lindadawkins@mweb.co.za , and we will partner you will someone.
The Swap will close to new participants 15 April, so be quick to join 😉
Our goal is to challenge your creativity… we encourage you to push your boundaries, try something you haven’t tried before, think out the box… the only rules are that you make it with love and thought! Please do not feel the need to make something expensive…that is NOT the idea… Medium to small in size so that it will be easy to post, and receive. (And if you do join in, please be committed and follow through…we don’t want someone to be sad and disappointed if their partner goes awol…)…sorry had to throw in the small print… Ack!
Ok! So here is installment 1 of the Travelling Easter Tree!
A plastic/ceramic/cement etc etc pot planter for your project (I used a green plastic pot)
A bunch of branches (I have used dried ones, but I think it could be a nice idea to use some apple blossom, or other fruit tree…)
Potting soil
Some loose stones to put into the bottom of the pot for drainage
Some seedlings (any kind will do, whatever your colour scheme is…)
Decorations….(to follow!)
The pot I used is about 30cm wide at the top, and because I liked the lovely bright green colour, I decided to go with a natural springy kind of look…

The loose stones will allow for better drainage when you water you creation…

You are now ready to start adding decorations. The first will be a small crochet Easter egg, which will hang from its own chain stitch loop. I am making these up in fresh green, sky blue and the palest pink. They can be plain, fancy, anything you like…
I am hoping to have the time to post the full Crochet Egg Tutorial tonight, but if time doesn’t permit, it will be up here tomorrow.
I have designed the little egg pattern to use only one crochet stitch to make it simple for even beginners…
Right, let me get going, so I can work on the pics for the egg!
I wish you all a peaceful contented evening…
Lots of Love,
Heidi 🙂