Everybody want to colorful home and decorate their homes their self. You can do what ever you want in your home because it is your world and you will live when ever you want and until the remove a new house so if you want to recolor your home, you should not wait and do not be scared.
You can do yourself things to your home. For example, carpets. Take the colorful ropes and interlace it and bring a ball. Then stitch them one another or stick them on to a cardboard. It is ready to be a colorful carpet and you did it yourself.
Another thing is, take a bottle of wine or whiskey. When it is all over then you can put some soap then attach a soap tip. It is ready!
Collect some beer top or mineral water top or Coca Cola, Fanta, Sprite top and stick them on to a cardboard. Then put it on the wall. You can write some important things on this cardboard and you can stick them a magnet. It is like a pin board.
You can change your walls color, maybe you can paint on your own. Pink, yellow, purple, green or red colors will makes your house colorful.
Pick some flowers or some leaves and put them on a big paper or a toile. Then paint your toile with a spray paint. Take flowers or leaves then you have a different and a colorful painting.
You can research some do it yourself things and make them for your house.