Designing glasses cases

Designing glasses cases is very fun, easy and useful hobby for you and for your friends. You can design your glasses cases out of different materials. You can choose different types of fabrics. Cotton,velvet,felt and polyester are suitable materials for designing. Sew your glasses case in size of your glass. You can use straps, zipper or snaps at the openings.You can also use and design metal boxes as glasses cases.
Now we will find out about the subject how to make glasses cases. Although it seems hard,designing glasses cases is very easy and fun for you.You can choose funny fabrics to make glasses cases.
You can sew different fabrics together in order to create your glasses case.Or you can decorate the fabric with different materials such as glittering stuff,ribbons or any funny materials.Sew your glasses case out of fabric and attach colorful buttons. You can also attach little objects made out of feltor fabric. Objects like flowers,animals ,bows etc. You can also knit yourself glass cases.Or decorate your glasses case with object you have knitted such as bows,flowers,animals,star sor whatever you like. You can design metal boxes in order to design interesting glass cases.You can stick pictures on the surface of the metal boxes and you can draw pictures you like on the metal box and paint the glasses cases with the color you not forget to choose suitable paint for metal,if you have decided to color your metal glasses case.