Today from the blog of ties .net we leave this great and original idea so you can make yourself at home and give away to a friend or use it to decorate the rooms of your house. So you can put to decorate on the day of the enamorados.Se is a crown of roses !!
The ornaments home are very fashionable and not let party without them being present, besides attracting much attention. This good for that kind souvenir can do and sell or give away on the day of the enamorados.Los do you prune young children and give them as souvenirs.
The materials you’ll need are:
-A Tergopol wheel or something for gluing or nailing roses.
-Pegamento For flowers
-A Red tape razo
Red -Cartulina
The first thing we will do is start dialing in the cardboard circle and then cut it. Once we have already started marking and cut roll as you can see in the image . This must repeat with all the flowers we want to put the ornament.
Once this is done we start at the base paste flowers. We must put a good amount to cover the base.
Once I have done put on top a ribbon to make it over.
And presto !! We have our crown of roses ready to put on the door or give souvenir.