Cross pistachio vest patterned collar and sleeve cut videos

How to make a cross-pistachio vest pattern collar and sleeve cut pattern sleeve and collar cut in crochet vest patterns? we will try to help our dear followers in the detailed video narration.
Among the frequently asked questions in vest patterns, how do we apply the decoupling of collar and sleeve. It is necessary to adjust it according to the pattern. While cutting is easy in some examples, it may be a little difficult to adjust in difficult examples.
It is quite important that the right and left sleeves coincide in samples with a cut and collar pattern. We think that it is a little easier to cut sleeves and collars in crochet vest patterns than in skewer knitting patterns.
Do not forget to visit our page for vest patterns and designs. You can find many knitting patterns on our page.
Cross pistachio vest pattern collar and sleeve cutout pattern
You can choose a crochet according to the thickness and thinness of your rope.
You can cut the sleeve and collar according to your bedeb size. In the pattern description, the process of starting with seven motifs and decreasing three motifs was performed. There has been a one-sided cutting process.
You can start with ten motifs and apply them again using the same technique.
You can easily apply it by watching the video lecture for detailed description and construction. Good luck..