Crocheted Bobble Edging Tutorial

Today I am posting a tutorial on how to make a very simple crocheted bobble edging. I mentioned before that I wanted to play around with ideas for edging off Nani’s Hexagon blanket and I wanted something that reflects her happy, quirky personality. The hexagon blanket is being made (and here I assure you…I have stuck to the goal of doing two hex’s every day until it is finished…yes, yes, I know the year is only 4 days old 🙂 …..) in hectic, bright colours, because that just what Nani is like! So, without further ado…here is the tutorial…
I have crocheted a simple sc base on which to work. Above you can see that I have just turned the work and chained one.
Slip stitch into the FIRST space of the row. (Remember…a Slip Stitch is hook into space, yarn around hook, pull through space AND loop on hook in one movement).
Now you will start a series of incomplete Double Crochet stitches….what you do is this: Yarn around Hook, insert hook into same space (as you made the slip st), yarn around hook, pull through…you have three loops on your hook…yarn around hook, pull through TWO LOOPS… you will be left with two loops on your hook…
Repeat the same again…yarn around hook, insert hook into same space again, yarn around hook, pull through, you have 4 loops on your hook, yarn around hook, pull through TWO LOOPS only…you now have THREE loops on your hook…
Repeat again…just as before…you should have FOUR LOOPS on your hook now…
Yarn around hook and pull through ALL FOUR LOOPS on your hook…
Slip Stitch into same space as you have been working…watch the pretty bobble form…
🙂Slip stitch into the next two stitches of your base work…this gives you a little space between the bobbles, making things nice and even 🙂
Repeat the steps to make a bobble…easy as pie!
If your little bobble isn’t nice and fat, use your little finger to “pop” out the stitches forming the bobble (from the back of your work), creating a little hollowed space at the back of the bobble…
Hope you enjoy making this…
Have a lovely afternoon folks!