Construction of rubber boots with fur

For those who are looking for differences in the construction of rubber boots with fur, for those who are looking for elegance in the pattern of booties, we present a beautiful video narration to the liking of our dear followers. Home booties that complement the clothes of ladies remain one of the must-haves.
How about a pattern that will add elegance to your elegance? fur detailed home boot construction meets you with a detailed video description. You can add fur detailed boot construction between decked booties patterns. You can make it to your own taste in different shades. I wish you to be together again in the new video narrations..
Construction of rubber boots with fur Materials: 2 pieces of milky brown nako diamond rope 1 piece of dark brown nako diamond rope 38 number felt sole 2 number crochet 2 meter strip fur Needle and scissors Construction: 38 number we crochet the edges of our felt sole as a tight needle.
we knit number 38 on the knitted base in loops and knit 1 row of half-handrails. 2. Next, we begin to establish our pattern. we knit a double handrail by taking 1 half handrail and 1 half handrail loop from the middle of the handrail, and in each row we knit half handrails on top of the half handrails in each row as a double handrail.