Cloud Pillow Depiction

Hello everyone! Please prepare your fabrics and cottons, because today we will do cloud pillow on our own!
This cloud pillow is very special for home decoration and very useful for us to re cycle the materials at home and create new designed stuff for daily usage. Below are the necessary elements:
- Fabric
- Scissors
- Cotton or fiber
- Cloud Pillow pattern
- Sewing machine
- Yarn
- Pencil
- Needle
Please attach your attach our cloud pillow pattern by the assistance of needle on fabric. Or you can draw the pattern form with the pencil. Let’s draw another cloud in order to cut the inside piece. And then, let’s cut our fabric. Let’s cut a cloud more again by using the same pattern. Let’s draw the other parts of clouds on the front base. And it is ready to be continued by sewing machine. After sewing process, we can start to fill our fabric pattern with fiber or other materials depending on our taste. After all these, our cloud pillow is ready to be used.
Here we finished it and now we will have been done our own cloud pillow for our home decoration. Also, you can use colorful materials for child room and if you would like to take a gift to the children, you can prefer this option. It saves your money in your pocket and also these kinds of gifts are always more precious than other standard gifts.
Hope you will be pleased with this depiction. For further details, you can check the pictures attached in this article in details.