Children and their doings…

First off today , I want to thank everyone for the kind comments and thoughts (and messages left for the bad blogger!) after yesterday’s post. I am happy to report that the tutorial was taken down and I am hopeful that the same person will perhaps re-consider before posting another tutorial. I am grateful to all of you who sent comments and emails, and who visit here and want to say a big, huggy, heart-burtsing, eye-popping *Thank You*…I appreciate you all very much! ♥♥♥♥♥
Today was the last holiday day before school starts. I sewed on school badges, scrolls, covered a trillion textbooks and exercise books, nagged about getting uniforms set out and pencil cases packed. I demanded an earlier bath time and (Ha, Ha…) set the law about getting to bed early!
(We leave for school at 06H45, so the little critters need to get some sleep after pulling all-nighters during the holidays…) The girls were quite obliging and with any luck, tomorrow at a quarter to seven will not hear a plaintiff, “Mom…can you quickly just bake 24 muffins…just quickly…I forgot about it and I must have them today…” (Ok, just for the record…this has actually happened and real children were very nearly harmed during the making of this production….)
So, a new year starts and I am expectant that it will be a good year full of new things and experiences!
Nani has a penchant for grilled eggs, and she just ups and makes herself one when she feels like a snack. When I wanted to come and blog, I realized that I didn’t have my phone with me. So, off I went searching… this is what I found…produced courtesy of an 11 year old… 😀
It’s pretty dark, but (IMHO) pretty funny 🙂
Children will do the darndest things…Aliki once cracked and “hid” a dozen eggs under her bed, because she wanted (I presume) to find one with a chicken inside. Of course, I had to wrack my brain to work out where the unbelievably bad smell was coming from a few days later…
we had to remove the carpet completely from the room and quarantine it before disposal…
The very same child, at the age of 3 years, spent a Sunday afternoon, smearing her bedroom with a kilogram of peanut butter. I was pregnant with the second one, and suffering from 9 months worth of hellacious, ride-with-a-bucket-in-the-car-at-all-times morning sickness, which had left me with little by way of a sense of humour. I had gone to lie down for an afternoon nap and awoke, violently nauseous with the swirling odours of peanut butter around me.
The child had literally covered every possible spot (including herself) with smooth peanut butter…I blame the DH for those genetic traits emerging : l ……
My favourite image comes from M•I•L•K …. I really love their stuff and have collected all the pictures I like over the years. The one above is like a personal mantra…if you have kids, you will know exactly what this means!
Go now, and check what your kids are doing…you never know 😉