Are you ready for the big summer cleaning?

Every woman is worried about the huge summer cleaning and it is right to do so. You have to put everything away ,separate your winter and summer clothes . Put away your bed covers ,duvets,blankets and maybe even some sheets. And then start to clean up every tiny of space of your house.
Here are some cleaning tips
1- remove everthing on your way before you start cleaning your house
2- wash your curtains,table clothes etc while you wipe your windows
3- wash your winter clothes if necessary so you can have them ready for the next season
4- wipe the floors before you clean up your wardrobes so your clothes won’t get dusty
5- clean your bath room at last
Now about the biggest question how to clean up for the summer You should not rush for the summer cleaning,take your time and try to do it on separate days. Start by removing your winter stuff to their places.You can use practical methods like magic saver bags ,which hold up your things easily does not take that much space.Afterwards you can put your summer clothes to the empty spaces. Put away your carpets,wipe your windows,clean up your rooms. Wash your curtains so that you can have a real fresh living room. Do not forget to clean your padio. Or clean up your garage . It is the best time to remove unuseful things from your garage.Don’t forget to plant colorful flowers.