About Eye Fever

Eye disease is conjunctivitis first layer comprising a specific infection and result other than the retina. There are several reasons for the occurrence of conjunctivitis; as being formed of a bacterial cause, allergic factors, causes conjunctivitis of seasonal change. Conjunctivitis occurs when the eyes of inflammation in patients topsheet redness and inflammation that causes itching.
One of the factors that cause conjunctivitis in the eye make-up in women; eye makeup can not be cleaned waste good cause infections in the eyes of the ladies of the layer thus healthier products while using eye makeup and long-lasting eye makeup should show careful to keep the eyes. There are not the property of infectious conjunctivitis, the probability of infection or inflammation in one eye while the other eye is high.
In conjunctivitis cautions should avoid contact with the eyes of the substance containing the chemical. cleaning of the eye made only with water, rinsed with a soft clean towel. outside of Infectious conjunctivitis allergic conjunctivitis are also available. Depending on seasonal changes seen in people with allergic conjunctivitis. Careless use of lenses also causes infections and conjunctivitis. It causes watery eye discharge and conjunctivitis. Treatment of this problem usually passes with antibiotics and eye drops. Various bacteria are treated to the eye drops. There are also the benefits to be examined by a doctor.