Stress and solutions during pregnancy

During prengnancy many changes occur including your body and soul. These changes can cause stress during pregnancy. Stress can harm your sleep, make you become headaches,can damage your appetite or even make you overeat. Too much stress ends up with high blood pressure and heart diseases or premature babies.
The causes of stress during pregnancy are some health problems like back ache,constipation or nausea. You will experience changes in the mood because of your changing hormones. Your personal worries about birth and childcare will increase your stres level. If you are a working woman your worries about your job causes you problems,which also effecte your stress level. Some unexpected problems can come your way,too.
These reasons can cause you anxiety,nightmares or physical reactions like sweating or racing heart beat or effect your immune system or your child’s health.
Here are some solutions to fight with stres during pregnancy :
1 – Talk to your partner,friend or doctor about the issues ,that cause you stres
2 – Make sure that the problems you are experiencing during pregnancy are temporary
3 – Take care of your nutrition ,sleep and exercise
4 – Quit unnecessary activities
5 – Do relaxing activities just like yoga or meditation
6 – Get help from people close to you
7 – Participate on a childbirth education class
8 – If you are a working woman, make plans for the time getting back to work
9 – You can also get professional help, if you can not deal with your stress by yourself