Growing your hair quickly

Hair is a protein structure growing from the follicules on our skin. Most of the woman are interested on their hair growth,hair style and hair care. Some of the woman like different hair styles ,while many of them are addicted to their long hair.
Here are some advices to take care of. Avoid hair dryers,hair stylers,because heat is the first enemy of your hair.Take care of the way you wash your hair.massage with your finger tips when you wash your hair. Do not tie up your hair,while you are sleeping. Tying up your hair makes your hair weak.
The cures for growing your hair easily are listed below. Use egg white on your hair and wrap it with stretch for a few hour and wash them.
Brush your hair regularly.
Mix lavender oil,jojoba oil,thyme oil and rosemary oil. Cook them and massage the mix onto your hair.
Cook potatoes. Take its water,mix it with yolk and honey. Massage it onto your hair.
Mix ½ spoon of lemon juice , 1 dessert spoon of honey and one cup of aloe vera . massage the mix onto your hair and rinse it in half an hour.
Adding apple vinegar into the rinsing water while washing your hair will also help.
Cook onions. Massage the cooking water into your hair. Wash your hair.
Massage palm oil into your hair. Palm oil contains vitamin e ,which is very effective for your growth of your hair,but avoid your hair skin.