Crochet Necklace

Hi dear followers!
Today’s topic will be crochet necklace! As you know, crochet is among very hard and valuable handworks in all over the world for long years. All people cannot do this art but of course all of us have something made by crochet handwork. I can imagine that all of us watched our mothers during crocheting and surely wondered how they do these beautiful handmade models and designs. After a while, when we are older, our parents tried to teach this art all of us. Some of us liked and continued to create new things, some of us preferred to buy the prepared ones.
In Turkish culture, crocheting has an important place and it is rising day by day. We as youngster generation would like to make this art endless and teach it to next generations. In Turkish culture, there are several Ottoman and Anatolian models which belong to our own culture. Usually ladies working on crocheting prefer these models to create unique handmade crocheting stuff. If you can manage to combine your own style with basic local models and figures, you can create new unique designed models.
Today, I would like to give you detailed information about crochet necklace. Below materials that we will need in order to do crochet necklace.
- Crocheting needle
- Pattern about previous works
- Mercerized or woolen yarns (depending on what kind of model you would like to design)
Please do not forget, even you are not talented to knit or do crochet, if you would like to manage it, you can easily do it!
Happy Crocheting!