Beautiful hand made dowries - Knittting CrochetBeautiful hand made dowries - Knittting Crochet

Beautiful hand made dowries

Beautiful hand made dowries

Dowry is a common and ancient custom for Asia ,Balkans and Northern Africa Downey includes cash,furniture and gifts for home. Dowry is prepared by the brides family or by the bride herself.
Hand made dowry is very precious and important for girls living in Asia,Balkans and Northern africa. They spend half their of life preparing their dowry for their marriage. These girls crochete table cloths,pillow cases ,bed covers. Also decorating is very popular. You can decorate towels by crocheting their endings.You can crochete sofa covers.

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Hand made bed covers are really precious and very hard work to complete. You can choose a pattern and knit it as a bed cover afterwards.You can design different shapes when crocheting.You can knit yourself a bed cover too.You can decorate your bed covers with ribbons,glitters or beads. You can design your bed cover by sewing different parts of fabrics and create yourself a patchwork bed cover.
You can knit,crochete or sew your hand made sofa covers or table cloths for your livingroom. You can knit yourself sofa covers and throw them on your sofa. You can decorate your covers with beads,glitterring stuff and ribbons. You can also create your slip over covers. Just sew rubber bands at the endings of your cover. And you can use your slip over cover in 10 minutes. It is easier to use slip over cover than the ones you throw on your sofa.

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