How can you look more beautiful and trendy?

Most of the women are very interested in their look.They can do anything to have the perfect look among the other women.
Most of the women prefer dresses to feel relaxed during the day especially in the hot summer days.And they think dresses are more beautiful to wear..
Women always like to wear beautiful dresses.Lots of women prefer designer clothes and are ready to spend a buge amount of money on clothes.While other prefer to buy cleverly from the second hand shops ,sales or internet promotions .They prefer to wear chip and chic clothes.
Interesting accesories,which they like to combine with their outfit are very common for the women.They prefer necklaces,earrings,braceletts or rings.They can be made of material like gold or silver. Women sometimes use emitation accesories because they are cheaper. Some of the women prefer different accessories like piercings which are for your mouth,eye brow or your stomach.
Beautiful hairstyle is also a very big issue f or the women. Most of the women like to spend hours at the hair dresser. While some of them like to do their hair on their own.Some of the women dye their hair by themselves and they also style their hair curly or straight as they wish. And some of the women spend lots of money at the hair dressers wbile dying or styling their bair.Or having a hair cut
.Some of the women go to the hair dresser three times a week.