Sleep Buddy Cat for Tiny Babies

Sleep Buddy Cat for Tiny Babies

Sleep plays a very important role in our health throughout our lives. Regular sleep is essential for growth and development, beautiful skin, mental health and much more. When our sleep patterns are disrupted or we are sleep deprived, we can experience both physical and mental problems.

One of the most important stages of sleep is definitely the infancy stage. We have witnessed many times that a baby with more and regular sleep grows healthier and faster.

As family, today we are making a sleeping companion that will be with your babies while they sleep and help them sleep. You can combine and use this sleeping buddy, which we will make with two skewers, in the colors you want.

We used a total of 3 different colors of rope. We used white and brown ropes to create the base colors of our toy, and we used our black rope to make eyelashes and nose. Apart from our ropes, we need 2 buttons and fiber to fill it.

You can find the fiber material in pillow and quilt shops, haberdashery or yarn shops. If not, you can also use cotton.

All the information you need to make our sleeping buddy is available in our narration video. You can reach us in the comments section on all the issues you have in mind and get information.

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Sleeping Companion Cat Making Explanation Video for Tiny Babies ;


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