Crochet Lace Women’s Vest Patterns

Crochet Lace Women’s Vest Pattern and Construction
You will need size 44/46, yarn, white (50% cotton, 50% viscose, 420 m / 100 gr) – approx. 500 g; 1.75 Hooks; one stitch with needles; 4 gold buttons.
The back part: the knitted stamp crochet with a set of 9 is undone. s., 3. s. lift, then I knit the layout (shown in the diagram with the middle arrow on the back). Art. s/n. On the next line, but not provyazyvayutsya between the dec. s/n.The previous line. assign 18-20 s., While Article 128 of the Web will not. s/n. (A 18 multivark plus 2 tablespoons -. Edge).
go to knitting scheme II. Assign the scheme 6s. Next, start removing the shirt laterally. Line subtraction is shown in the diagram as a ”sideline”.Begin removing the braid to the armholes of 43 cm. Removing the collar back – after another 8 cm. web control with patterns.
Left side : Turn 9. s., 3. . if p is a lift, then the scheme is similar to the back of I, then the scheme of II, then knitted.
knit 43 cm, armholes, subtract another 3 cm for the start – subtract neck for Forehand. reduce the number of corners from the bottom up to a height of 4 to 20 cm and use the “zigzag” scheme II to align the decoration stamp knitted shirt.
Front right: The braid is left symmetrical. Do not forget to make 3 buttonholes at a distance of 10 cm from each other.
sew the side seams. Tie the 4p bottom of the articles. “Zigzags”.