Knitting and Crochet Blog Week Day 4! 2KCBWDAY4

Day Four: 31st March. Where are they now?
Whatever happened to your __________?
Write about the fate of a past knitting project. Whether it be something that you crocheted or knitted for yourself or to give to another person. An item that lives with you or something which you sent off to charity.
There are a lot of different aspects to look at when looking back at a knitting project and it can make for interesting blogging, as much of the time we blog about items recently completed, new and freshly completed. It is not so often that we look back at what has happened to these items after they have been around for a while.
How has one of your past knits lived up to wear. Maybe an item has become lost. Maybe you spent weeks knitting your giant-footed dad a pair of socks in bright pink and green stripes which the then ‘lost’. If you have knit items to donate to a good cause, you could reflect on the was in which you hope that item is still doing good for it’s owner or the cause it was made to support.
… aka the sad misadventures of the incomplete Amour Fingerless Mittens…
I have found that when I am making something for someone else, my motivation and energy seem to be boundless, the excitement of creation the very driving force that spurs me to complete the object…however I am a miserable procrastinator when it comes to making something for myself… 🙁
The sad reality is that there are precious few things that have seen the light of the Big Reveal, when the intended recipient is little ‘ol me…
These alpaca fingerless mittens have been a work in progress for two years now…yes, yes, I know that’s pretty pathetic, but it must be said that the road to functionality has been paved with supreme intention… I have worked on them in more geographic locations than the average migrating bird travels. They went to Verbier with me when we went skiing…they have travelled to the coast numerous times…they have been to London on a trip last year…they have been to Zambia when we went for my daughter’s birthday…they have snuggled up to me in cars, planes, buses, trains and on foot. I may have to get them a passport…
What is it about a WIP that just seems to stall and stall and stall…will I ever finish them? Really, there shouldn’t be any reasonable reason…they are soft, warm, pretty, have *pink* in them, have been lovingly protected from M***s, the dog, the kids and elves in the night…. why can I just not focus and finish them? Next week we are going skiing in Val d’Isere, and they would have been both attractive and useful to have. So, I ask you? Why are they half finished still…
Human nature is indeed a mysterious thing…